Pastel Green 38504A
Limestone 38505A

PPG Deltron
Pastel Green 46250
Limestone 46251

Pastel Green ROV605
Limestone ROV105/S

All the body work & paint was done by:

Third Generation Autobody II
767 Smithtown Blvd.
Smithtown, NY 11787

They also did some great powder coating work on the wheels & heat intake screen.

Rob, Chris & all the guys there did a tremendous job, the Rover came out just perfect. I wouldn’t have any type of body work done anywhere else!

Rob wasn’t powder coating when we started, so all the dash panels, levers, pedals, grill, seat frames, and anything else glossy black was done by Dynocoat.


Dynocoat –

Patrick did an awesome job on the glossy black parts. The quality couldn’t have been better!