Reprinted with permission from: Land Rover Gear Box FAQ – Thanks John!
This page has been set up as a reference source for gear sets that have been used in Land Rover gearboxes.  Data has come from a variety of sources.  It has not necessarily been cross checked and verified, so use the information with the appropriate amount of discretion. In other words don’t blame me if the gears you get don’t fit.  It you have some more or better info., please let us know and we’ll pass it along to the author.

Manual Gearboxes Automatic Gearboxes Transfer Cases
LT77/LT77S ZF4HP22 LT230
R380   LT95 (Transfer Case Section)
Series Gearboxes    

Manual Gearboxes

LT77/LT77S Manual Gearbox

Model Box S/N




4th 5th Reverse
90/110 British Military 51A 3.985 2.519 1.5074 1.00 0.8314 3.701
90/110 pre’ 200TDI 50A 3.585 2.3008 1.5074 1.00 0.8314 3.701
Disco 200TDI
90/110 200TDI
3.692 2.132 1.397 1.00 0.77 3.429
90/100 V8
Disco V8
60A, 61A
53A, 57A
3.321 2.132 1.397 1.00 0.77 3.429

The LT77 gearbox was used from 1983 to 1989 on 90/110s with 4 cylinder engines and 1990/91 on all 90/110s.  LT77S were used all all Discoverys to 1993 and 90/110s during 1992/93.  All of these boxes use a separate transfer case called the LT230 which is mounted directly onto the output flange of the gearbox.  The “77” refers to the centerline spacing in mm between the mainshaft and the layshaft.  Reverse is to the left and up.

R380 Manual Gearbox
Updated information on 01/22/2005 from Ashcroft Transmissions

Model Box Prefix/Suffix 1st   2nd 3rd 4th 5th Reverse
Defender 2.5NA (short bellhousing) 50J 3.700 2.300 1.507 1.00 0.831 3.701??
Disco/RR 300TDI
Disco TD5
Defender 200TDI
Defender 300TDI
Defender TD5
3.692 2.132 1.397 1.00 0.770 3.429
Disco/RR V8i 53J 3.321 2.132 1.397 1.00 0.732 3.429

The R380 gearbox was used from 1994 to present on Defenders and Discoverys.  All of these boxes use a separate transfer case called the LT230 which is mounted directly onto the output flange of the gearbox.  Reverse is to the right and down.  This box was brought in as a replacement for the LT77S.  It is noted to be smoother shifting than its predecessor.

LT85 Manual Gearbox



Models Used

1st 3.6497 90/110
2nd 2.1804 90/110
3rd 1.4362 90/110
4th 1.00 All
5th 0.7951 90/110
Reverse 3.8242 90/110

The LT85 gearbox was used from 1984 to 1991 on 90/110s with V8s and 1986 on for Isuzu diesels.  All of these boxes use a separate transfer case called the LT230 which is mounted directly onto the output flange of the gearbox.  This is normally referred to as the “Santana” gearbox as it was used on Santana Land Rovers.

LT95 Manual Gearbox



Models Used

1st 4.0691 All
2nd 2.4480 All
3rd 1.5049 All
4th 1.00 All
Reverse 3.6643 All

The LT95 gearbox was used from 1969 to 1983 on Range Rovers, all 101s, Stage Is and 90/110s with V8s in 1983/84 and 1985 with Isuzu diesels.  All of these boxes use an integral transfer case.  The transfer case is a “full time” units with a lockable, mechanical differential.  The differential is locked via a vacuum actuator.  Overdrives are available that mount off of the PTO flange and replace the transfer case input gear.  Note that the gearbox and transfer case use separate sumps.  See the transfer case section for information on transfer case ratios.

Series Gearboxes



Models Used

1st 3.00 Series I, II, IIA
  3.60 IIA 109, 6 cylinder and ‘1 ton’
  3.68 III
2nd 2.043 Series I, II
  2.22 IIA 109, 6 cylinder and ‘1 ton’, III
3rd 1.50 Series I, IIA 109, 6cyl, 1 ton, III
  1.38 Series II
4th 1.00 All
Reverse 2.547 Series I
  3.02 IIA 109, 6 cylinder and ‘1 ton’
  4.01 III
High Range 1.148 I, II, IIA, III
  1.53 IIA 109, 6 cylinder, 109FC and 1 ton
Low Range 2.89 I, II, IIA
  2.35 IIA 109 6 cylinder, III
  3.27 1 ton
  2.92 109FC
Overdrive ????? Rocky Mountain “SX” Overdrive

Automatic Gearboxes

ZF4HP22 Automatic Gearbox



Models Used

1st 2.48 All
2nd 1.48 All
3rd 1.00 All
4th 0.728 All
Reverse 2.086 All

Transfer Cases

LT230 Transfer Case



Tooth Count

Models Used and Comments

Box S/N

Low Range 3.320 26/41/19/40 LT77, LT77S, LT85 13D, 22D, 28D
  4.340 26/41/20/55 Maxi-Drive Engineering Low range gear set.  Exact ratio depends on input and intermediate gears that are used which vary slightly by model.  
High Range 1.003   RR 3 speed auto (TF727)  
  1.222 26/41/40/31 LT77/LT77S 28D
  1.1923   90 V8s with LT85 gearboxes  29D
  1.410  26/41/?/? All 90s except V8 
All 110s except 2.5/2.25l petrol and N/A diesel
13D, 22D
  1.667  26/41/35/37 110s with 2.5/2.25l petrol and N/A diesel  
OverDrive  ??   Rocky Mountain “DX” Overdrive  
  0.74?   Tim Payne Overdrive Designs Ltd Total t. case ratio is multiplied times the existing transfer case ratio.  i.e. 0.9028 = 0.74 * 1.22 high/high  
Underdrive 2.690   Ashcroft Transmissions Ltd, Total t. case ratio is multiplied times the existing transfer case ratio.  i.e. 8.933 = 2.69 * 3.321 low/low
Unfortunately no longer in production

The LT230 is an all gear transfer case.  It has been used on all Defenders, Discoverys, pre’ 1989 Range Rovers and 90/110s with LT77/LT77S/LT85/R380/ZF4HP22 gearboxes. The transfer case is a “full time” unit with a lockable, mechanical differential.  The differential is locked via a mechanical linkage through a spring inside the box.  Overdrives and underdrives are available that mount off of the PTO flange and replace the transfer case input gear.  The gear set is comprised of 4 pieces:

LT230 Gear Set
LT230 Gears

LT230 Gear Part Numbers

Box S/N

Input P/N,teeth




13D FRC5428,26 FRC5424,19/41/? FRC5435,40 FRC5425,?
22D_suffix_B FRC5428,26 FRC7884,19/41/? FRC7434,40 FRC7885,?
29D suffix B FRC5428,26 FRC7428,19/41/? FRC7434,40 FTC7429,?
22D_suffix_C FRC8917,26 FRC9460,19/41/?  FRC7434,40 FRC7885,?
29D suffix C FRC8917,26 FRC9552,?/?/? FRC7434,40 FRC9551,?
22D suffix E on ? ? FTC1741,40 ?
32D_to_LA939975 ? FRC9552,?/?/? FTC1084,? FTC1085,?
32D_from_MA939976 FTC4188,? FRC4190,?/?/? FTC1084,? FTC4189,?

LT95 (Transfer Case section)



Tooth Count

Models Used

Low Range 3.3206   All
High Range 0.996   Australian Spec 110 with 4BD1 Isuzu Diesel
  1.174   101FC
  1.3362   110

All LT95 transfer gears are interchangeable.  They can be changed with the gearbox on the vehicle.